Thursday, November 7, 2019

Phew! Day Six

Today I didn't think I'd have the time to write a single word on my NaNoWriMo project. I had a massive project to finish for work (and work must come first), and that took me all day to wrap up. I even made my guy eat leftovers for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook.

By the time I finished my work project I had about an hour and a half left to write for fun -- and I was tired. So tired, in fact, I considered skipping the fun, and then I thought, Nope. Give it a shot. So I did. I just wrote -- I didn't edit, I didn't worry about it, I didn't think -- I just had fun. I wrote right up until midnight, and then calculated my total, and made my daily quota.

Okay, to be absolutely honest it was 12:07 when I stopped, but what's seven minutes, right?

Some days I feel like I could do this gig all day every day. Then there are days (not many) like today when I actually do. This is when I really love National Novel Writing Month, right at this moment, when I glance back and see exactly how much I got accomplished. Feels very good.

Now I just have to do that all over again tomorrow . . . .


nightsmusic said...

I managed a few words yesterday. I'm so screwed up with the daylight saving time. Dinner time according to my digestive tract, is now at 4:30 instead of 5:30 or six. I'm falling asleep around midnight rather than my usual one in the morning, but the alarm is still going off at 4am and I wake about 5 minutes before it goes off, usually, so I'm exhausted when I get up and can't go back to sleep after hubs leaves. I'm tired and dizzy and ugh! This usually lasts about two weeks and then I finally get into the new rhythm. But it messes with my thinking as well and I just...why can't they pick one time and stick to it?

Sorry, crabby today.

the author said...

I hear you. My trick with the time change is to start moving back everything I do 10 or 15 minutes a day the week before we turn the clocks back. It doesn't solve all the time lag problems, but the dogs are happier, and I manage to get my sleep schedule worked out in about another week. Weirdly moving time forward in spring never bothers me. But like you I wish they'd stop the time change. We're not a nation of farmers anymore (and my apologies for that snide remark to all the farmers out there.)

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...