This is a first, right? Ha. Now you can see that I have never exaggerated about my white hair.
I hope your Thanksgiving was fun. Ours was a huge hit, thanks to your suggestions. Both turkeys came out damn near perfect. Oliver fell asleep in my arms and slept through dinner, proving once again that he is the perfect grandchild. P.S. everyone went home with plenty of leftovers so no one has to cook this weekend.
Anyway, I'm taking off today and the weekend because I earned it. :) See you on Monday.
That Oliver is absolutely adorable. And this photo is frameable and you should.
Glad to hear that the turkeys came out well. I did an 18 pounder in anticipation of more people but Thing Two and her hubs went to PA for his side so...we'll be having turkey sammies and turkey pot pie and creamy turkey and mushroom pasta. And fried mashed potato cakes with cheddar and bacon :) Lots of those.
My hair is still brown but it's peppered with gray. I think hair that is all silver, white, or gray looks great. Peppered hair looks like it can't make up its mind.
Our guests brought their fair share of drama. Fortunately, they kept it civil while they were in our home.
I plan on being a slug for a couple more days. I cleaned, cooked, and baked for days leading to Thanksgiving. But now there's enough food in the fridge, the house is clean and it's raining, so I have no need to get out in the yard and work. This is my holiday! LOL.