Today I'm going to start work on my NaNoWriMo project Twenty-One, which some of you may remember I started but never finished back in 2016. I always wanted to complete that book, so I'm hoping to knock out the rest of it, which should be at least 50K. If you want to follow along I'll be posting what I write on Google Docs here. That link is just for readers of this blog, so please don't pass it around.
In other news, I am now transitioning at my job from full-time novel writing to something like a creative manager (there's a couple of hats I'll be wearing, but that title seems to fit them all best.) Basically I'll be helping to direct and edit the folks who work for me and my partner, and a few other things. I'm a bit nervous, but this is the direction we've decided to take with our business, and it will be a lot easier on me. I hope. Fingers crossed.
For anyone else who is diving into National Novel Writing Month: Break a keyboard! Ha.
I've pinned the tab since for some reason, I'd never be able to find it again if I didn't. I have a love/hate relationship with Google Docs. :/
And we had snow last night. It's still there this morning...
68F here when I walked the dogs this morning. Send me some of that snow, please.