Of all the (very few) things I don't hate about the new NaNoWriMo website, the simple wordcount updater is one of them. I hit the plus sign, enter my new total and click update, and I'm done. I also hunted around to see where the verification widget is now. According to what I read in the forums they've done away with it. So I no longer have to cut and paste my manuscript to get the win at the end of November. I think this is going to lead to a bit of cheating, but according to the forums some people had already been cheating on the old site, so there you go.
One thing does puzzle me: why would anyone cheat at NaNoWriMo? So they can win? To impress friends? To get the t-shirt? I cannot fathom this.
Anyway, to plan and track my wordcount goals these days I use Excel. It does all the math for me, and generates a list I can print out and put on my desk if I think I need daily visual prodding. A wordcount spreadsheet is especially helpful when you're adding to a WIP that was already in progress, as I am. I've uploaded a copy of the one I made for Twenty-One here.
I don't know why people cheat at NaNo. Frustration? A need to impress others in a writers group? Getting to display the badge? Who knows? People do the most ridiculous things for the worst reasons.
It confuses me to think that anyone would want to cheat at NaNo in the first place; I can't get past that to the why part. It's ridiculous.