As expected my family crashed my first day of National Novel Writing Month, and dragged me away from the computer, so I didn't get in all the time I wanted at the keyboard. I also had to work at this silly thing they call a day job. But I knocked out 1580 new words on Twenty-One before midnight, so I'm pretty happy, all things considered.
While I was writing I was reminded of the reason I rarely go back to work on partial stories I've done in the past; it's difficult to pick up where my head was when I left off; that shows in the writing. I think it was a bit easier with this one because I've been haunted by Nex's character for the last three years. She's always been a little ghost in the back of my mind whispering "Hey, finish me."
Added: Up on the toolbar there I put a link for Twenty-One, so if you want to read along and follow my progress just click on that.
Do you post your story on NaNo every day? Are you supposed to? I thought we just upload it at the end, but now, I'm just confused.
And I got up to snow on the ground yesterday because it snowed starting Thursday afternoon and finally stuck.
I just sent you my thoughts on your first chapter, btw. :)