By this time this appears on the blog I should be almost halfway to 50K with my novel for National Novel Writing Month. I'm also staying on schedule at the day job, something that worried me a bit. I'm a day ahead on my daily quota, so even if I can't write any extra words for the rest of the month I can take off on Thanksgiving Day and still make 50K.
Not writing in my universe for the last five years hasn't hurt me. For the last week the words have just been pouring out of me every time I sit down to write. To keep from beaver-damming myself I've stopped back reading, and I edit only for typos during a fast sweep before I upload. I can't tell you if what I'm writing is decent. I really don't care. At this point I just want to enjoy writing what I like.
I've been trying to get over to the forums at the NaNoWriMo web site and socialize a bit, but sometimes I feel positively ancient when I read certain discussions. I see a lot of me-at-13ners trying to plow their way through their first novel, and getting a lot of crap about it. That was 45 years ago for me, with no computers or smart phones or anything, really. I used legal pads and a manual typewriter. I worked alone in my bedroom and hid everything I was writing from basically everyone.
I remember that girl, and how much she loved her stories, and then I try to write something encouraging for the next gen. Something I think I would have needed to hear.
That's all from my corner. Let's hope week three is kind to us all.