Thanks to some sketchy information I stumbled across on the internet, there's one possible reason for why I dislike the color yellow: I may be a tetrachromat. Like bees, I could have four types of color-sensing cones in my eyes (the norm for humans is three.) This is a mutation evidently in a slim percentage of the population. There's an online test here you can take to see how many colors you can detect (note: it's been debunked already, so this is just for fun.)
Whether or not I actually have the mutation, I know I've always seen more colors than other people. It takes me forever to pick out paint or fabric by color because to my eye there are so many variations. I also regularly point out shades of color that family and friends tell me they don't see. Then I've been seriously irritated by the color yellow my entire life, which seems to be a prominent tell for tetrachromats.
I'll never know for sure, but it's interesting to think that may be the reason. I'm a mutant!