Sunday, November 17, 2019

More from the Show

Here are three of the more unusual quilts I saw at the county quilt show:

This was made as a wedding gift for a young bride and groom. The hearts contain hand-written messages from their family members and friends in the US and overseas. I thought it was a really lovely remembrance piece.

I have never seen a wedding ring quilt made with Christmas novelty fabrics. Simple but very charming.

This quilt's background was actually white, but the lighting and my camera turned it yellow. The colored fabrics used are from a line by Moda. I thought the composition was neat.


nightsmusic said...

I love quilt shows. They're my definition of an art exhibit. Not that I have anything at all against painting! But quilts are so much more special.

the author said...

I love them above any other kind of show. I miss getting out to more of them, but I don't keep on top of the spring schedule in my area. I might try to get to the big one in Daytona Beach next year; I've never been to that one.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...