Monday, April 24, 2023

One More Art Quilt

Maria very kindly ruined my resolution not to make any more summer art quilts by sending me not one but three bags of vintage jewelry and findings to use for my textile art.

These little guys also played a part in this idea, so I'm naming them the art quilt twin demons.

I've always wanted to do a shelf quilt, but not with books. I was thinking more of a collection of little wonders, like a cabinet of curiosities.

It would look something like this, to give you the idea. The cool thing about this idea is I can work on each compartment of the quilt rather than try to manage one big surface, and then sew them all together in the end.

Another example with cars. I might do a small test project first to see how I can support the weight of the elements and embellishments, but this is definitely doable. Stay tuned as I work it out.

Ribbons image by Pexels from Pixabay

Cars image by G.C. from Pixabay

1 comment:

Maria Zannini said...

Early mornings I just scroll through my blog feed. I saw the pictures before I saw your blog name and I thought: Hey, look. I used to have jewelry just like that. LOL!

And now I must get ready to go to jury duty....again.

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