Our busiest birdhouse is once again occupied, this time by what I believe is an eastern bluebird.
We were able to get this shot of her brilliant blue eggs. Looks to be about four of them.
Later I was able to confirm that Mama is indeed an eastern bluebird. She's quite skittish, so we're staying off the porch and trying not to disturb her. Welcome!
We do have one mama bird who always builds her nest atop our security light above our garage, but poor thing flies off whenever the garage opens.
We have to be careful leaving the garage door open too long because every year another bird tries to build a nest on a shelf above my utility sink. Fortunately we disturb the nest before she lays eggs, otherwise she'd be trapped in there--or we'd have to leave the door open all day.
I had an old Ford van once, at another house we lived in, and once summer, I wasn't driving much because the girls were little, but when I did, I'd hear something that sounded like cheeping when I'd stop at a light or in a parking lot. Come to find out, a couple of sparrows had built their nest in one of the access holes in the frame under the van. You'd think they'd be smart enough not to do that with the van disappearing while they're building, but they did. So I ended up having to park it for three weeks until the chicks left, then we duct taped the access holes off and poked tiny holes to let out any moisture so the frame wouldn't rust any worse than it already was. Birds. Go figure...