The garden is always really pretty in spring, so I thought I'd post an update on what we gave growing. The chives are flowering (and you can eat chive flowers, btw) and the nearly-dead oregano really bounced back once we planted it in the ground. I have to take a day to cut and dry these for cooking this year.
We've already eaten all the lettuce that was growing, which was delicious. We left the roots intact and some of them are regrowing new heads.
The brussel sprouts are gigantic.
The little bell pepper we saved from last year's garden has two peppers on it. We don't think it will survive much longer, so we did buy another pepper plant to replace it.
The scallions have sprouted. I use these a lot in cooking so my fingers are crossed they'll do better this spring.
I have one huge bunch of celery left to use, and the cucumbers behind it have sprouted nicely.
The watermelon we managed to overwinter is not looking great, but it does have one little melon on it.
We've eaten all but one of the radishes (front), which we constantly replant, and have a nice crop of cosmic carrots growing (middle). Oddly only one of our pole beans sprouted, but we've replanted the others.
The corn is doing quite well, so we hope to get some ears before hurricane season arrives.