Last month I made a small nap-size linen quilt as my side of a craft exchange project with another quilter, using all recycled materials for the project. I'm not posting a pic of that as she wants to keep what I embroidered on it for her private.
I started using my thrifted fabric haul by turning six yards of the Robert Allen upholstery fabric to make a matching set of tablecloths for three tables at my house.
I mended this Fabscrap sample lace tunic by washing out a tailoring mark and hemming three tiers of the lace.
I also turned a denim scrap and a red print from the haul into a project bin.
From some blocks I found in a bin of gifted fabric and patchwork I made this bag to honor my mom.
Some other crazy patchwork blocks I found in the bin turned into a little display quilt, to remind me that while Mom is gone she is not forgotten.
Finally I kept up with my calendar scroll slow-stitch project. After I do my taxes I have some pillows to make out of a pair of feedsack Dresden plate blocks, and then I think I'll be ready to finish last year's embroidered linen quilt.