I came across this video about happiness relating to friends that has some interesting ideas. I'm not sure if I agree with everything, but most of the points resonated with me and my experiences with friendship (especially the part about toxic friends.)
At this stage of life I am grateful for the friends who have stuck by me all these years, but you guys are more like the family I chose. :)
I have a tendency to isolate myself which is annoyingly easy where I live so I have to force myself to interact.
That said, I know how important it is to keep up with my friends especially as I grow older and more removed from younger society. I worry more about Greg, should I die first. He's apt to become very lonely and depressed. For now he's content to keep me as his only friend and that's not healthy. All his other friends have died and he really needs to get out there and make new friends. My only condolence is that he's a talkative charmer and my family loves him.
Sadly, my family thinks I'm a stick in the mud. LOL!