My camera doesn't like to photograph blue or purple quilts in the sewing room, so these colors aren't true, but I did finish the little crazy patchwork quilt I made from some blocks my mom gave me that I found in the gifted UFOs bin.
After I hand quilted it, I decided to slay two dragons by using up some extra-wide premade purple binding I had on hand, and machine-stitching both sides of the binding rather than one by machine and one by hand, as I usually do. I've never tried to do that, but I need to start using the sewing machine more as my hands are slowing down. I was nervous, and I made some mistakes, but I did okay with it. I can finish a project a little faster this way, too.
I considered adding some embroidery to the quilt, but the colors are so crazy it just would have added visual confusion. So in the end I just quilting-stitched everything.
This is a better pic of the colors of the quilt. I'm going to leave it on display through Mother's Day, in Mom's memory.