Having my favorite nephew stay for a lovely two-week visit last month was wonderful. My guy is very lonely these days, so it was really fun for him. I got the chance to cook bigger meals and pamper him, which made me very happy. It also made me appreciate what an amazing guest my nephew is -- no trouble at all. He's extremely polite, always cleans up after himself, does his own laundry and tries to help out in anyway he can. We've invited him to move in with us so he can take his time looking for a house, and I hope he takes us up on that offer.
That said, having a guest for an extended stay for the first time in years really made me aware of the limits old age has started to inflict on me. I'm tired all the time, but with the additional work I was exhausted almost every night. Keeping everything in the house neat (the way you do when you have a guest around) and serve meals on time became a real challenge. My blood sugar kept tanking because I was so busy. Yet I was happier than I've been in a long time, too.
When we talked about him moving in with us my nephew was concerned about the work it would create for me. I told him not to expect all the special meals I made while he was here; he'd have to eat like we do -- and he had no problem with that (I put two pounds on him before he left, ha.) I have the feeling it would work out fine. We'd all pull together to make sure it does.