Figuring out what to make from my thrifted fabric requires a bit of sorting first. I separated everything into possibility piles like this one. The colors work together, and there's already enough to make a decent-size lap quilt.
Ditto for these fabrics.
Each of these prints would make a pretty accent for a Yellow Brick Road pattern lap or baby quilt (I like adding one or two prints to solids when I make those.) They'd also make nice bags.
Those were the easy piles; onto the tough ones. These three fabrics might work together colorwise, but I'm not sure the prints do.
These prints, which for different reasons didn't want to join the other piles, are probably the least inspiring. I'm not terribly fond of kiddie novelty fabrics, red prints or camo. I might use these as backing fabrics or bag liners.
The two oddball scraps will likely become journal covers or backing fabric, too.
I think I have enough to make at least two quilts, possibly three, along with several bags, pillows, placemats and runners. I'll probably start with a quilt and then juggle the projects according to size. The goal is to try to use up as much of the fabric as I can, so stay tuned to see how I do.