The saga of our buckled tile floor has finally come to an end, at least this year. After our insurance company denied our claim my guy and I set about finding our own solution. I discovered two tiles sitting under our stove to replace the pair that broke by the wall. My guy did the research and found out how to cut tiles and manage the repairs. It took three days, some creative measures to keep the dogs away, and lots of patience, but in the end we did it ourselves for just the cost of the mortar and grout.
The new grout is a bit lighter than the rest of the floor at the moment, but it will slowly darken over time to blend in (we don't entertain so we don't care.) I no longer have to step over it, always a good thing with my tricksy knees. It feels nice to be finished with it, and it should hold until next year when we replace all the flooring in the house. Now the next home improvement issue to tackle is the roof, hopefully before the start of hurricane season.