There's a lot going on in the garden for spring. By our oregano and chives we planted six heads of lettuce, which are growing well.
My guy planted a bunch of brussel sprout plants for me (I love them) and they're really growing great.
I've used up all but three bunches of celery, which saves me a few bucks at the market every week.
The first cucumber just sprouted; these grow so fast we'll likely be having them in our salads this time next month.
We didn't know if the watermelon would survive winter, but it did and now it's flowering and throwing vines everywhere. Have to watch this one or it might take over the garden.
Ditto for the one bell pepper we were able to save from last summer. It's looking better now and has started budding.
We replanted the cosmic carrots, two of which sprouted within a few days, and more radishes, as they grow best and we love them.
Finally we have corn! We're going to try again to grow it because the first planting got flattened by hurricanes twice last year. Hopefully we do a little better with it this time.