I got out my small yarn stash to do some crochet last month, and while looking through some tutorial videos I came across a new-to-me technique that allows one to knit without needles: looming. Since my arthritis stole knitting from me some years back -- I can't hold or manipulate a needle in my left hand anymore -- I've really missed it. I decided to give looming a try, and bought an inexpensive set of round looms.
This is a wrap-and-loop style of knitting that you can manage with one hand (if you're capable of holding the loom with the other, that is.) After a few missteps I got the hang of it and really started to enjoy it.
It goes fairly quickly, too -- I'd say at the same speed I used to knit with needles.
Here's the little hat I made on my first try with the loom -- not perfect at the rim, but I definitely made better and more even stitches as I worked more rows.
Patch likes the results. I can use these looms to make slipper socks and hats, and I've heard you can do even more with them. We'll see.