My yarn stash turned out to be much smaller than I thought, and I'm still trying to stick to my goal of not buying new material if I can thrift them, so I decided to see if I could find a decent lot at a reasonable price on After looking through dozens of listings, and losing three or four, I decided on this one because it had a Buy It Now Option, it was a generous amount of yarn, it looked pretty new, and I liked all the colors.
I didn't mind paying $34.97 rather than bid on and risk losing the lot to someone else (the yarn bidders, I quickly learned to my dismay while trying to land other lots, are all last minute snipers.) Also, brand new yarn has gotten quite pricey, so even at the higher fixed price it was still a good deal.
Here's the yarn lot when it arrived. I was quite happy when I opened the bag and did not smell anything, and saw that all of the skeins were in clean, new or very good condition.
For my money I got 41 balls or skeins, more than I was expecting, as well as a giant spool of macrame cord. All the colors are shades I like, and want to make into things, so being picky about the colors was worth it. I also like the variety.
There were a few multiples; the most were 9 balls of this Bucilla cream-colored acrylic that could make a pretty wrap or scarf and hat set.
Also some pure wool and wool/acrylic blends. Glad almost everything came with a label.
I've heard of this scrubby-making yarn but I've never tried it. Might be easier on my hands than steel wool.
Not sure what I'm going to do with 220 yards of macrame cord, but I'll find a use for it.
I might be able to use some of the specialty yarns as embellishment in my art quilting, too.
I'm not going to look up prices for all the yarn, but I know some of it is pretty expensive; the supersavers are about $3.75 a skein and scrubby yarn is $4.49 a skein. I did price the Bloom on Premier's web site at $7.99 a skein. With the Buy It Now price I ended up paying about eighty-three cents per skein or ball. You can't find yarn for that price anywhere, so I know I got a good deal.
Image Credit: the first photo was taken from the auction listing at