I want to make a couple of winter projects with faux pearls, and decided to thrift them. One 7 lb. lot of vintage pearls on ShopGoodwill.com seemed perfect for my needs, plus it had one interesting necklace that caught my eye. So I bid on it and won it for $16.00.
The majority of the lot is made of freshwater and faux pearls, and a few of the nacklaces were falling apart. Despite that, I got two pairs of pearl stud earrings I'd be happy to wear, plus more than enough pearls for my projects . . . and three very nice bonuses; two of which are quite hefty.
These three strands of dyed freshwater pearls are new and marked $3.99 each. I often use these when I make my crazy quilted bags.
This was the necklace that caught my eye; it's in a very nice black and white velvet presentation jewelry case, which usually means it's worth something -- and it is. It's a cultured pearl necklace with a 10k gold clasp, according to the manufacturer's card that came with it, and was probably given to a lady by her employer when she retired. The stock info on the card dates the piece back to December 2002, but judging by the pristine condition the original owner never took it out of the box.
I did a little research on the company that made it and what their necklaces are selling for now, and turns out it's worth $100.00 to $150.00.
Finally, the very big bonus: this Majestron pearl watch. It's really pretty, and has a mother of pearl face and delicate details. It's not running so it probably needs a new battery, but a little research turned up another, exact same watch being sold here for $195.00.
I got all the fake pearls I need and another $295.00 worth of very nice pearl jewelry. Not a bad way to spend sixteen bucks. :)