I thrifted a lot of yarn that (weirdly) no one challenged me over during the bidding, and won it for $7.99. It arrived last week right before Thanksgiving. Altogether there were 18 big skeins of yarn in the box, mostly acrylic with a few wool blends. Quite a few were missing labels but they're likely supersaver or big baby yarn brands. Nothing smells at all, and all but one of the skeins are in pristine condition. One got something dribbled on it, which I already saw from the listing pics (and that was probably why no one else wanted the lot.) Luckily acrylic yarn washes up nicely. 200 gram Caron Cakes like these run $19.99 on Amazon. Scarfie yarn costs $11.99 per skein on Amazon. My guy and I stopped by JoAnn last week for some fake pointsettias and I noticed even on sale yarn prices are astronomical, so I'm glad I've been able to thrift mine. Why did I invest in another lot of yarn, you ask? I'm going to do another calendar project next year, an...