I finished up quilting and binding the second table runner last night:
The project took me longer than expected because I outlined the blocks with my new swan stitch, and encircled the stars with lots of bands of Holographic Sulky. And of course the hand issues didn't help.
From the back you can see the stitching better.
I think it turned out okay, all things considered.
Along with clearing out the spare bedroom and tidying my office and our guest bedroom, I decided to reorganize some of my stashes. This is all the yarn I have on hand, sorted by color. It looks like a lot, but lately I've been using up a minimum of half a bin every month, so this is approximately a year's supply. All of my solid color cotton perle thread. I go through a lot of this every year, too. I need a container in which I can fit all of it together, but I haven't found the right one yet. I won't show you all of my fabric -- I'm still reorganizing this stash -- but I went through everything and donated two bins of fabric I won't need to the local quilter's guild.