I'm not posting this on the day I was notified, but it seems Craftsy is back in operation. They've offered me a year of access to their 1500+ online classes for the low low price of $2.49, too. Alas, I'm not biting.
Other than the fact that I'm not interested in taking any online classes, how all this played out disturbs me. Many creatives who make their living via teaching online classes were railroaded when Craftsy/Bluprint/And now Craftsy again went out of business. Communication to them was very poor, or non-existant. Even Back when Craftsy became rebranded as Bluprint the powers that be screwed over a lot of content creators, too.
If there is by chance some skill I need to acquire, I can find plenty of free blog and YouTube tutorials to teach me whatever I need to learn. I suggest you do the same. :)