Friday, October 30, 2020

Remember Your Mask Maker

Last night I spent my sewing time making new masks for Katherine and Edward; they both favor black but the original masks I made for them back in March are wearing out due to frequent washing and wearing. I expect others I've made will be doing the same.

I've been thinking about making a crazy quilted mask for myself. I know, frivolous, but it would be an interesting challenge to make one that is as functional as it is arty. That and a couple of my own masks are starting to wear out. :)

Also, just to remind my friends of my standing promise: for the length of the pandemic if you need cloth masks, I'm your girl. I can make them in virtually any color or pattern; large or small, with ear elastics or ties, etc. If you're worried about asking because of my hand problem, the work is all done on the machine, so it doesn't aggravate my arthritis. It's probably the most pain-free sewing I do. So just let me know what you need. :)

1 comment:

nightsmusic said...

You're just awesome :)

Home A1C Test

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