From the Taken by Night synopsis:
Former top fashion designer Ara Chenault’s life was destroyed when she was changed by the Morxa, and went from creating couture to becoming a merciless, monstrous killer. Ara finally strikes a bargain with the Morxa who invaded her: in exchange for control Ara must free other mortals from Morxa possession, kill those who can’t be saved, and take revenge on an ancient, evil immortal who changed Ara’s morxa from human to monster.
By day Ara now runs a garment factory in the fashion district; by night she hunts the morxa-possessed with her team of powerful Fury: Glory Patten, who never wanted her unearthly Sirenian beauty and seductive powers; ex-Marine Arturo Chavez, who each night morphs into the centaur Ceron, and who hates everything but Ara; and Kim Smith, whose Chimaeran morxa allows her to shape-shift, and who often can’t resist creating mischief and mayhem, too.
The other Fury don’t know how Ara was changed, or by whom, but she refuses to discuss it. Ara believes she can’t share her burdens with her friends and still be their leader. Thea Wise, Ara’s only human friend, has done enough by financing the factory. Ara’s loneliness seems unbearable, but while both Chavez and Ceron both want to become Ara’s lovers, they don’t know how dangerous she is.
I wrote Taken by Night for NaNoWriMo in 2012 and knocked out 50K of the book in a decidedly rough draft. There's probably about 30K left to write on it. It's one of the most unusual novels I've ever attempted, so I'd like to get it wrapped up and see if I can pull off what I had planned. Taken by Night is Idea #10.