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NaNoWriMo 2019 Retrospect

Thanks to National Novel Writing Month I wrote 50K+ more on Twenty-One in November. That was my prime goal, and while I had to juggle it with work I think I did fairly well with the new material. I stopped editing for anything but typos in the second week, so the new content does need a thorough read-through. I plan to finish writing the book this month, because if I put it away again I probably never will.

I reached out to a few writers on the new NaNo web site, both as a buddy and in the forums. Alas, except for Theo the buddy reach-outs never responded with anything other than accepting my invite. I thought that was a little weird, but there you go.

I had better luck on the forums; interacted with a few interesting writers there. Only one pinhead posted a rude and unsolicited comment to something I posted, which is also pretty good. When a pro weighs in during a public writing discussion there's usually more than one disgruntled snowflake angsting to pick a fight so they can show said pro how much more they know about whatever. This one just went after me rather than contributing anything to the discussion, also typical. I cheekily responded by hearting the rudeness. My philosophy is that everyone is entitled to their pinheaded opinion. They're just not entitled to have a conversation with me.

The new web site grew on me a little. I still don't like it as much as the old version, but it is what it is. I doubt they'll go back to the superior version. My main gripe remains the lack of word count validation. If I have to write 50K in a month to win, I do -- and I will prove it. Everybody else should do the same.

Finally, I donated a little to the site, bought the regular and winner's 2019 t-shirt, and that's it. I don't know if I'll have time in 2020 to give it another go, but I'm glad I tried this year. Always fun to write in my universes.

How did it go for you, Theo? We're still buddies, I hope. :)


nightsmusic said…
Of course we're still buddies! :) I'm thinking though I might have to replace the laptop after all. Right now, the keyboard is working again so I got another 500 words last night, but it's hit or miss. :/ But I'm still plugging away! I'll send more soon, once I work out this mess I seem to have created.

I'm sorry someone went after you on the forum though. I guess I don't understand the new mentality of "it's on the interwebs, I can be as much of an asshat as I want and who cares?" People now will type things they would never say to your face. While I absolutely do not believe in doxing anyone, I do think the lack of accountability for our actions online is a huge reason for the utter abomination that used to be civility.

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