Of all the projects I finished in 2019, the recycled linen quilt is the one that taught me the most. I managed so many things I've never tried with the construction and embroidery. Slow-stitching each section for the better part of a year helped me take more pleasure in the process. I made plenty of mistakes, and got frustrated with the spontaneity aspect, but while I set it aside for several months I didn't give up.
The limited color palette was probably the best decision I made. Using recycled fabrics also made it a very green project, too. With the enormous amount of textile waste going on these days that's the kind of thing I want to do whenever I can, which got me thinking about how I want to challenge myself next year.
I'm not getting any younger, and lately I've been thinking about the big projects I've always wanted to tackle but never have, such as designing and making my own traditional crazy quilt. There are plenty of challenges, of course: I've never made a large crazy. My arthritis is limiting the amount of time I can sew and quilt. I am not as skilled with embroidery as I should be to tackle something like this. Also, it would be hugely time-intensive (a year is a conservative estimate. It might take longer -- no, it will probably take longer.)
On the upside, I can work on one section at a time versus cutting, piecing and then hand-quilting an entire quilt. Crazy quilts were generally not quilted with batting because they weren't meant to be used as a bed covering or even laundered. The top was assembled only after each section was completely patched and embroidered, and then the top would be attached to the backing with ties, buttons or some other type of spot tacking.
The one major lingering problem with making a full-size crazy quilt is that I've always wanted to work primarily with silk to make my first one. While I could afford to buy new silk for it, that's not how they were made. Fancy scraps were always saved by makers for their crazy quilts. Alas, I don't sew with anything but cotton most of the time. I have a small stash of vintage silk that I've been slowly collecting over the years, but it's never been enough to try this.
Then unexpectedly the other day I got a note from a seller on Etsy who talked to me months ago about how I used a vintage scarf to make the Picasso tote. She had put together some vintage silk scarves that have small stains or minor damages to sell as very affordable lots, and wanted to see if I was interested in any of them -- and there was my answer to the material problem.
So I have no more excuses, really. I'm excited and scared and a little unnerved by my own audacity, but also hopeful. The linen quilt taught me that there is nothing I can't try to do. So next year I hope to show you all of these scarves again while I recycle them to make my very first crazy quilt. :)