Over the last week Cole's face started swelling on the left side, with the bulge going up and down. We went to the vet this morning to see what was causing it. I was pretty sure it was an infection (cancer isn't that fast). Sure enough he has an abcessed tooth, possibly two, so antibiotics now and surgery to pull the tooth/teeth and drain the abcess next week. Then he'll probably have to wear the collar of doom until New Year's so he doesn't scratch at his face.
See what I mean about my rotten luck during the holidays? At least it's fixable, so I'll consider that a gift from Santa.
Added: The day after my car battery died we found out we have to rebuild the transmission on our pickup truck, leaving us with one very old vehicle to use until the 20th. On the 19th my guy also has his next round of skin cancer surgery. Dear Santa, please stop with the bad luck now, that's all I want for Christmas, thank you.
Hope Cole is on the mend soon.
Adding to my Christmas disaster list, we had to put our truck in the shop to get the transmission rebuilt, just a day after my car battery died. :(