Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Happy 70th

The love of my life turns 70 today. Happy Birthday to my guy. :)


Maria Zannini said...

Happy birthday, Edward!

nightsmusic said...

Sung to the William Tell Overture...

Happy, happy birthday,
Happy, happy birthday,
Happy, happy birthday,
Haaaaaaaaappy, happy birthday!

Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy birthday,
Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy birthday,
Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy birthday,
Happy, happy, birthday, happy birthday, to YOU!

Happy, happy birthday,
Happy, happy birthday,
Happy, happy birthday,
Haaaaaaaaappy, happy birthday!

the author said...

Edward says thank you both. He had a pretty wonderful birthday, too.

Home A1C Test

If you have diabetes, then you have to regularly have your A1C tested. This is a blood test that measures the level of blood glucose (or ...