Oliver's first smile for me. Okay, probably gas, but still -- a grandmother lives for this stuff.
National Novel Writing Month starts in less than three weeks. I had another go at trying to navigate the newly-revamped web site, but I can't even figure out how to check messages. Every time I click on what I think are my messages it goes to compose. I'm still buried in work, too, so no writing for fun in November for me.
In the unfinished archives I have four partial novels that I never finished writing, and a bunch more I planned to write but never started. I'm not getting any younger, so that's what I'd really like to start doing -- writing those stories. In particular the third steampunk book, and the third YA vampire book, both of which I never got a chance to write for publication, so those series remain unfinished. I won't self-publish, but I could put them out there as freebies.
Gas! hahaha....
I think it would be absolutely awesomely awesome if you would finish your stories :) You could write at your leisure, write them the way you want to and bring an ending to the series that you weren't able to before. So...has my vote! ;)
Thanks, Theo. I really hate leaving those series unfinished, although I'm not crazy about putting the books out there as freebies when so many plagiarists are copying and selling other writers' works on Amazon. Maybe if I do this I'll just send .pdfs of the books to my real friends and keep them offline altogether. :)
I don't know now if you can password protect an area on blogspot. If you can, you could always post them here and just send out the password one time rather than sending every time you had something.
I don't think I can't password pages with Blogger, but I'll look into it. More on this once I have more info. :)
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