While looking for a fall tablecloth I found this poor old sad thing in the back of my linen closet:
I bought this quilt at a show for a couple of bucks. The cheap black fabric patches started to shred every time I washed it, so I'm glad I didn't pay much for it. I started repairing it as the splits occurred, but soon the futility of this set in, and I tucked it away.
I never throw away quilts; I always try to find a way to repair or recycle them. My challenge this week will be to find a new purpose for this disaster. Stay tuned to see what I make of it.
The backing and batting on this one feels pretty sturdy, so I think it'll hold up if I recycle it. I might put that cherry cheater cloth together with some white scrap I have and make a new top for it. Probably will need to add some batting or a lining to keep the old patchwork from showing through.