Sunday, October 6, 2019


I saw this little guy on the driveway yesterday:

He's a mole skink, which I haven't before seen around here.

Also saw my grandson, who got a new little play chair from my friend Maria:

Then I was on my own last night for dinner, so I used vegan mozzarella cheese shreds to make an okay-for-me pizza, which turned out pretty close to the real thing. I miss pizza a lot, so very happy about finding an alternative:

Also got the scrap project coasters finished:

And finally backed, batted and pinned the matching runner, and started quilting that:


nightsmusic said...

I love the skink! And Oliver looks so very happy in his chair.

I think pizza is one of those foods that I would miss terribly and would actually cheat on. It would be worth it. To me!

The coasters are really nice. The colors are lovely together. I have Thing 1's coat that she loved but then got too heavy to wear it. She's been losing weight like crazy now that she put her mind to it and can fit the coat again, but the sleeves will always be just 'this much too short.' So I need to try and let them out, but am not sure how to attack it. I might not be able to lengthen them because I can't find any way between the lining and wool outer shell without leaving an obvious hand sewn area. *sigh*

the author said...

Thanks -- the scrap project is coming out much nice than I thought. :) The vegan cheese is a welcome discovery, as I can make a couple of Italian dishes with it that were off-limits for me before now.

Good for your girl on losing the weight. On lengthening those coat sleeves -- could you use a blind hem? I've done that for pants so that it doesn't show. Or (if it would work with the coat) maybe add some cuffs?

nightsmusic said...

I can do the blind hem. I have to find someplace where I can open the lining though. It's a bit of a pea coat design and you can't believe how well made it is. The lining is navy and the major seams all have a purple piping on them so there's that to contend with. And I think I could only get another inch or so in length. I'm still studying it. Either I'll figure something out, or she'll have to wear it as is. She did for a long time so...

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