Okay, so I only meant to make a donation to National Novel Writing Month, because I always do, every year, and I believe the work they do with kids is important. If I'd had a NaNoWriMo in my life when I was a fledgling I might have done more with my writing than hide it from everyone. Anyway, their crappy web site design wasn't going to keep me from tossing a few pennies in the charity pot.
And then, quite by accident, I saw the graphic design for this year's challenge. It's very steampunk, very cool, so of course it would be for the year I didn't participate. So I tried again to make sense of the website, and finally figured out how to change a few things. I thought I'd try to list a project, undecided and unnamed, of course, and then I was hitting publish and declaring myself a participant. I really don't know how the hell that happened.
Go ahead, laugh at me. I'm nuts.
Last night I was thinking that all my aggravation is for the people who run the NaNoWriMo web site, not with the event itself. I love writing through November. Puts me in a much better mood for the holidays. :)