Oliver's first smile for me. Okay, probably gas, but still -- a grandmother lives for this stuff.
National Novel Writing Month starts in less than three weeks. I had another go at trying to navigate the newly-revamped web site, but I can't even figure out how to check messages. Every time I click on what I think are my messages it goes to compose. I'm still buried in work, too, so no writing for fun in November for me.
In the unfinished archives I have four partial novels that I never finished writing, and a bunch more I planned to write but never started. I'm not getting any younger, so that's what I'd really like to start doing -- writing those stories. In particular the third steampunk book, and the third YA vampire book, both of which I never got a chance to write for publication, so those series remain unfinished. I won't self-publish, but I could put them out there as freebies.
I think it would be absolutely awesomely awesome if you would finish your stories :) You could write at your leisure, write them the way you want to and bring an ending to the series that you weren't able to before. So...has my vote! ;)