Calling me frugal is like saying the sky is blue. I'm cheap and proud of that, mainly because I grew up poor. As an adult I learned how to get by with very little. I taught myself to make a lot of things that other people purchase. It is a lifestyle that I've never considered abandoning, even when I didn't have to live like that any longer. I refuse to forget what it's like to be poor, or behave recklessly with money.
Example of my cheapness: my guy and I were out trying to thrift some bookcases for my sewing room, and saw this quilt rack set out in a pile of "free" things at a local thrift store. I'm always on the lookout for quilt racks; I can never have too many. At the same time, I'm not willing to pay big bucks for them.
This rack was coming apart at the joints, and had a little chip in the wood, which is why I guess the folks at the thrift store thought it was trash. We asked and made sure it was free to take, brought it home and repaired it wth materials we already have on hand. It's beautiful and quite sturdy now. I smile every time I look at it. Cost: $0.