One reason I'm choosing to do mini quilts as my calendar project for 2025 is that I have all the materials I need to make them, like this vintage patchwork pillowcase. It's too fragile to be used for its original purpose, and repurposing it would give it a new life.
The same goes for a lot of the Victorian-era crazy patchwork pieces I own that are shattering. This would make a couple of very cool foundations.
Likewise I have an entire bin of vintage linens that includes about a hundred embroidered napkins. These would be perfect to repurpose for the project.
I think the most comfortable size for me to work on in a single evening would be at the most 5" X 7". I don't know if I want to make my minis all the same size, either. Still mulling that over at the moment.
I could not sew together 365 5" X 7" minis into a single quilt; it would end up being large enough to cover a couple of beds. I've also been questioning the wisdom of sewing together so many fragile textile pieces to make a quilt, as I'd never be able to use or wash it. So: no quilt out of my minis. Alternatives: I could make each month of minis into a wall hanging, or sew them together into a book. I'd like to decide this before I begin so I know what I'll do with the project when I'm finished.