Out of the blue I got a package in early December that contained this copy of Decision Points by George W, Bush.
The packing slip had it addressed to a gentleman in North Carolina, but someone put my name and address on the shipping label. As you can see he paid a lot of money for it, too.
That's because it's autographed. Now, I can't say for sure that the signature is authentic, but it looks pretty real. Autographs by presidents can go for a pretty penny, too. So did I sell it on eBay? Keep it with the intention of passing it down to my heirs? Burn it in the backyard fire pit? Guess which one I want to do, ha.
This is how the universe messes with me at this time of year, so I'm not doing any or those things. I've contacted the thrift auction about the mix-up and I'm waiting for their reply.*
If they say I can keep it, which I doubt, I will ship it to the gentleman who paid for it on my dime, because that's the right thing to do. Merry Christmas, Universe.
*Updated: the thrift auction sent me a mailing label for the gentleman in North Carolina on their FedEx account and asked me if I would kindly mail it to him. So I did, along with a little note I hope gives him a smile.
The Universe has been a little more Grinchy with me this year. My dishwasher stopped working and no one can look at it until after Christmas.
I've been making cranberry and pumpkin breads for friends and neighbors. Out of seven, two failed. One didn't cook in the middle and the other one I dropped as I was transferring it to the cooling tray. It made the tray but dropped too hard and broke apart. Greg was pleased. Pumpkin bread for him, but more work for me.