We're now enjoying veggies from the garden pretty much year-round, but late spring is when everything starts producing like crazy. Our patch of corn here will be ready to raid in a few weeks.
The arugula, which I asked my guy to plant for me over winter, loves both our soil and the heat (which is weird, because it's not supposed to like the latter.)
The green beans and radishes are doing well and adding lots of freshness to our dinners every week.
The watermelon (from our seeds from last year, that came from your seeds the year before that, Maria) always tried to bust out of its bed and take over the yard, but we're keeping it in line, and hoping it will produce more of the sinfully sweet fruits we enjoyed last year.
We've also planted bell peppers and cucumbers, which should start producing soon, so we're quite happy. There's hardly anything to complain about in the garden.
Well, not counting the caterpillars, which apparently love my fennel JUST as it's going to seed, which I have been waiting months for it to do (I only use fennel seed in cooking.) But if that's all the trouble we have, I'll be happy.
I'm jealous of your radishes. I haven't been able to grow them since I moved to north Texas. In east Texas they grew fine. I don't get it.