In my latest thrifted lot of yarn I found this one slightly soiled skein. It appeared as if someone had dribbled a soda on the outside, or it got soiled while in a less than clean storage situation. I knew I was in luck, however, as the skein is acrylic yarn, which is generally a snap to clean. Here's my trick of how to clean a skein that's stained like this (and please note, this only works for ordinary acrylic yarn. I don't recommend it for any other kind of yarn, including the chenille and specialty varieties.)
All you need is a basin or sink you won't need to use overnight, cold water, and your favorite clothing stain removal product.
Thoroughly spray the stains on the yarn with your remover product. You want to soak them very well. After you let the skein sit in the sink or basin for about a half hour, fill it with cold water.
Let your skein sit in the cold water overnight.
In the morning rinse the skein with cold water, gently squeeze, and place on a towel to dry. Mine came out snowy white.