I finally got time to go through my thrifted loom set and yarn lot so I could estimate the value. Since the looms look brand-new and unused I'll price them at $15.00 (Knifty Knitter is constantly referenced as an excellent quality, reliable loom maker, and the set is much nicer and sturdier than the cheap one I bought to try out looming.) The embroidery hoop, ribbon spools and bag of quilling paper would like resell for $5.00 all together.
Removing all the skeins and balls of yarn from the plastic bags revealed that Goodwill had bagged and tagged some for sale at one of their stores.
I think most of if not all of it came from the same maker, whose remnant work tells me they crocheted as well as knitted.
Here's all the yarn unbagged. None of it smells, although a couple balls and one skein are slightly soiled, but they're all acrylic and easy to clean.
Every bit of leftover yarn was saved, something that I do, too. Even a little yarn can be used to tie up something like a gift or a bundle. This made me feel a strong connection to the previous owner.
The multicolor chenille is a type of bulky blanket yarn I've never tried to crochet, so I'll have fun with that. The dark blue bulky is really pretty and soft.
Anyway, I would put the resale value of the yarn at $40.00. Together with the other items that puts the value at $60.00. I paid $16.00, so a savings of $44.00.