Sunday, December 10, 2023

All for Sixteen

I have been trying to thrift some better knitting looms (the ones I bought are on the small side), which I finally got in a lot I won for $16.00, which just arrived.

Along with the looms I acquired more yarn, older but in nice condition with no smell. On the latter, I'm really suprised by that. Yarn tends to be a smell sponge, especially in storage. Yet all the yarn I've got by thrifting has no smell whatsoever.

Here's everything that came in the lot, which included a plastic embroidery hoop, a couple spools of ribbon and (weirdly) a bag of quilling paper.

This set typically sells new for about $15.00 to $20.00, and from what I've read from knitter blogs is the best quality, so that alone made the lot worth the price. Everything else is a nice bonus.

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