It's not every day I walk out into the backyard and find a flock of wild turkeys roosting on the fence.
From their coloring I'll guess these guys are Eastern turkeys (the other species in our state, the Osceola, generally live in the panhandle.) With all the development going on around us, woodlands are being cleared, and this flock was probably driven out from their territory into our neighborhood.
It's not a good idea to feed wild turkeys, by the way. They lose their fear of humans and can become aggressive, and also stick around when they should be wandering and foraging.
Wil turkey hunting season ended in April, so these guys should be safe as long as they avoid the dogs some of my neighbors let out without a leash.
Good tip about not feeding the turkeys. I'm told they're very aggressive. It's been so dry and hot we've started tossing a little corn for the deer. Even though they're my enemy every spring. I don't want to see them suffer.