I'm looking for ideas on how I can creatively use the panels I got from my 9 lb. auction lot; I've only ever made one quilt with a panel, which was this one from a kit some years back (and I messed up on the measurements for the borders.)
Some I want to use for simple projects. For example, I think I'll just back and batt the Hoffman witch panel, lightly quilt that, and display it during Halloween.
With fourteen panels, however, I have a lot of room to experiment, so I went looking around online. I found an interesting post here at Colorado Creations Quilting.com that showed 15 different ways to incorporate panels in sewing and quilt projects; I like best the ones where the maker cuts up the panels into long strips. That just looks neat.
The bluebird cheater panel is so long I can probably use that for a bed-size quilt with matching pillows. Might work well in the guest room. Anyway, I'll keep thinking about this for my winter projects.