This is my working right hand, on which the first three fingers function at about 90%. Now that I've developed on both hands trigger finger, a condition in which tendons lock up, my ring finger becomes very painful whenever I move it, especially when I bend it, and sometimes gets stuck. I'm wearing an adjustable splint on it now to keep it straight. The pinky finger isn't me being snooty; it just doesn't bend much anymore.
This is my dominant but non-working left hand, which has trigger finger in the middle. This finger is the worst of the two as far as pain goes. The last time it got stuck in the curled-over position I had trouble bending it straight again (so it's splinted, too.) It's also turning inward/sideways like my ring finger. I have maybe 20% use of this hand on a very good day, but almost no fine motor skills.
These are the splints I'm wearing, which I bought from Amazon here. They're a bit expensive, but well-made and comfortable, and they do relieve most of the pain. I can do almost anything but type or wash dishes when I'm wearing them. I can also put them on myself, even with my bad hand.