Last month I had my quarterly checkup with my diabetes doc, and doubling my daily exercise has not only improved most of my numbers, it's building new muscle (which seems to be why I've gained more weight despite not eating more.) He okayed me to work up to a mile of biking along with the two miles of walking I'm doing every day, so right after lunch I'm going to make a habit to hit my stationary bike. The best news is that I don't have to go back to taking a higher dose of my diabetes meds; as long as I keep exercising every day I can stay on the lower dose.
The bad news: I am going to lose the function of two more fingers; aside from painful shots and even nastier side effects there's no treatment for the new problems with trigger finger that I've developed on both hands. I'll keep icing them and try to maintain as much use as I can for as long as I can, but the end of hand-stitching is coming faster for me than I thought. The brief ice pick-style stress migraine headaches I've recently been having may not be migraines. I'll start a new migraine diary, and if they keep happening I need to go back in and get a referral for a head scan.
Although I'm a bit more tired every day due to the increased exercise, I feel better and my moods have improved. Being able to take that walk four times a day with the pups is really fun, and I look forward to it now. The good news from the doc means I'm on the right track. The bad is what it is; I'll stay optimistic. Onward!
The ice pick headaches? I've been getting those forever. About a year and a half ago, when my ocular migraines were getting so bad I was going blind, they did an MRI and found nothing. I'm hoping, while it wouldn't give you a diagnosis, they find nothing with you too. I still get the headaches, but there's nothing wrong with my brain so...
I hope you can give your hands a break.