Sometimes the most attractive actors and brilliant portrayals are not enough to compensate for sensationalism and what I think of as abuse porn. That's the serious problem with Netflix's new international chart-topper k-drama The Glory.
The series, which tells the story of a school bullying survivor bent on revenge, is a tale of unbelievable extremes. I'm not going to go into detail because I'm nauseated just thinking about it. I will say that if things like this actually happen in Korean high schools, they should all be shut down. It's horrific. I'm also repulsed by the fact that anyone would consider this as entertaining.
I might have been willing to go along with the implausible storyline, had the director chosen not to show all of the abuse toward and suffering by the victim in excruciating detail, including torture by burning. I have a medical background and saw lots of gruesome trauma in my time, and it was too much for me. Strongly suggest you pass on this one if you're ever tempted by all the hype.