To make art a daily thing in my life requires some effort, but I'm finally falling into a rhythm with it. First up on the inspiration board in my office is a collage I made of magazine pics; this was an art exercise from my January jar of daily prompts. It's representative of me as an artist, and the first piece I've made this year that I like.
I've also been faithfully working on my stitch calendar scroll each day. It was tough in the beginning but I'm also getting used to taking the time to work on it before I go to bed, as it's very relaxing and meditative.
This week I'm also working on my next quilt design to use these linen remnants. So art has become a daily thing for me, I think, and I'm much happier. :)
Sashiko Story (playlist) by 刺し子 物語 & Sashiko Story
Upcycle Stitches (website)
Sashiko for Beginners (playlist) by Xiaoxiao Yarn
Saké Puppets (website)