Tuesday, January 10, 2023

A Year of Stitches, Part One

I want to practice my embroidery daily, so I decided the yard of very nice linen that came in one of my Fabscrap orders would serve as a beautiful foundation for a stitched scroll calendar for 2023. This will be a bigger version of that little beach memories mini scroll project I did last year.

I'm giving myself 9 X 6-1/2 inches to work on every month, so I cut and sewed a 108" length of the linen to form the scroll background. While working with the linen I noticed some water stains, as well as a lot of sizing in the fabric, so I had to first give it a bath before I hemmed it.

My goal with this is to stitch on it with something that represents each particular day as I experienced it. That's all; I don't want to restrict myself with anything more than that. Stop by tomorrow to see how the scroll and the first days of January turn out.

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