Happy New Year, everyone. I usually avoid making annual resolutions, mainly as I have enough pressure to deal with, given my job and creative ambitions. Yet for once there are some things I'd like to do in 2023, and I don't think it will bother me if I make a list of New Year's Intentions. So, for this year, I'd like to:
1. Make this year 100% sustainable by not buying any new fabric, trims or notions. This because a) I have plenty on hand and b) it will motivate me to use what I have. I will reserve the right to buy recycled and vintage materials because that's my thing. To save fabric and sample garments from the landfills I expect I'll be buying most of what I need from Fabscrap.
2. Exercise at least once a day. This is a tough goal, as I'm almost always in pain from the arthritis these days, but I know it helps and I need to lose that last chunk of fat before I reach my ideal weight. I already know I probably won't be able to do this, but I'm going to try.
3. Write a novel just for fun. I haven't done this in a few years, so maybe during NaNoWriMo, or maybe I'll just tinker on something a little when I have downtime from the day job.
4. Do another thrift upcycle project. I really loved making over those three Goodwill boxes last year.
5. Clean out the closets. It's been a few years and yes, my closets are again overflowing. It's really time to start donating things I don't need, like sheets for beds we no longer own, clothes that are too big for me now, hideous or uninspiring fabrics people have gifted to me that I held onto because I felt bad about getting rid of a gift, etc.
With all the other things I have planned that should keep me out of trouble. How about you? Any intentions for this year?